Τρίτη 27 Μαρτίου 2018

4ος Διάλογος 3D Initiative - "Intergenerational Inequality and Crisis in Greece" (Cardiff - UK, 27.03.2018)

Την Τρίτη, 27 Μαρτίου 2018, πραγματοποιήθηκε ο 4ος διάλογος του Δικτύου Διαγενεακής Δικαιοσύνης, στο πλαίσιο στο 68ου Ετήσιου Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου του Political Studies Association του Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου στο Κάρντιφ, στο Cardiff City Hall, σε ένα πλαίσιο συνεργασίας και Greek Politics Specialists Group. Το θέμα του εν λόγω διαλόγου ήταν “Intergenerational Inequality and Crisis in Greece”, στο πλαίσιο του οποίου παρουσιάστηκαν εργασίες από τους Χρήστο Τριαντόπουλο, ερευνητής στο ΚΕΠΕ και Πρόεδρος της Κοινότητας Διαλόγου Σύνθεσις, Χρύσα Λεβέντη, ερευνήτρια στο University of Essex, την Φαίη Μακαντάση, research analyst στη ΔιαΝΕΟσις, και το Βαγγέλη Αρβανίτη, συνεργάτη έρευνας στο ΕΛΙΑΜΕΠ. Το συντονισμό του διαλόγου είχε ο Γεώργιος Καρυώτης, λέκτορας στο University of Glasgow.

Ειδικότερα, η εργασία του Χρήστου Τριαντόπουλου είχε τίτλο «Public Debt in Greece: An "Intergenerational" View of an Unsustainable Story» και περίληψη ότι «[…] in Greece, after a strong “haircut” (in 2012) and a 7-year (and more) fiscal adjustment and consolidation effort, long-term sustainability of public debt remains at the top of the agenda, as the burden-sharing equation of a sustainability path (via further fiscal consolidation or via debt relief) seems very difficult –in terms of political economy– to be solved. However, the story of public debt in Greece has also a quite interesting “intergenerational” dimension that is related, on the one hand, to the way the debt reached such extremely high and unsustainable levels –based on the discussion of generational accounting– and, on the other hand, to the impact the different sustainability paths has to intergenerational equity. This paper analyses the sustainability story of the Greek public debt through an "intergenerational" point of view. In particular, the paper (a) analyses the fiscal roots and the structural characteristics of the Greek public debt –during the previous decades– from a generational accounting point of view, and (b) discusses the various (implemented or proposed) debt sustainability paths with emphasis on their impact on burden sharing among the generations […]». Περισσότερα διαθέσιμα εδώ.

Η εργασία των Χρύσα Λεβέντη και Μάνου Ματσαγγάνη είχε τίτλο «Disentangling Annuities and Transfers: Redistribution in Greek Retirement Benefits» και περίληψη ότι «[…] the objective of this paper is to identify the relative importance of annuities and transfers in Greek retirement benefits and draw conclusions as to their impact on intergenerational and intergenerational equity. As one of the core objectives of a pension system is to redistribute income over the life span of individuals, their equity effects are examined by adopting a longitudinal approach. Using a representative sample of retirees from the biggest social insurance fund of the country in 2008, we compare the balance between the net present value of total contributions paid and pensions received by individuals throughout the course of their lives. The difference between the two is the implicit transfer that can be either positive (received) or negative (paid). Lifetime retirement benefits were calculated according to the rules that were in place both before and after the austerity measures affecting pensions that were implemented in 2010-2013. Our findings suggest that the vast majority of retirees are receiving positive -and quite substantial, in absolute terms- net transfers from the system. This outcome implies that the underlying pension rules seriously deviate from actuarial fairness and are thus violating the principle of intergenerational equity […]». Περισσότερα διαθέσιμα εδώ.

Η εργασία των Φαίη Μακαντάση, Δημήτρη Μαύρου και Κυριάκου Πιερρακάκη είχε τίτλο «Youth Unemployment and Intergenerational Relations in Greece» και περίληψη ότι «[…] youth unemployment appears to be a key problem for most contemporary European societies. The official statistics manifest the severity of this phenomenon in Greece, where the youth unemployment rate skyrocketed to 58.3% in 2013 and still remains especially high (47.3%, in 2016). This paper aims to map transgenerational relations in Greece and more specifically, how values and resources are transmitted within the family and influence young adults’ (aged 18-35) attitudes towards self-sufficiency, employment, entrepreneurship, risk taking, along with their aspirations for the future. For this purpose, we use the plethora of data arising from the European project CUPESSE (Cultural Pathways for Economic Self-Sufficiency and Entrepreneurship), and by applying discriminant analysis we showcase the exact nature of influence that parents exert to their offspring within Greek families […]».Περισσότερα διαθέσιμα εδώ.

Η εργασία των Βαγγέλη Αρβανίτη και Πέρη Μπαζότη με τίτλο «Intergenerational Inequality & Economic Growth in a Panel of Countries» και περίληψη ότι «[…] the objective of this paper is to determine the relationship between intergenerational inequality, mobility and economic growth in the European Union (EU). In the present paper, we try to shed light on the heterogeneity that may exist among different state members of European Union regarding the degree of economic growth and its impact on intergenerational inequality and mobility Furthermore, our empirical studies suggest that there are discrepancies among the state members of the northern and the southern part of EU due to economic circumstances and the crisis. These findings are useful and may offer important guidelines for both policy makers and researchers […]».Περισσότερα διαθέσιμα εδώ.

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